Croatia Sailing Week | Croatia Travel Guide

Croatia Sailing Week: Can’t Decide Where to Visit in Croatia? Sail!

This week we’re sharing with you a guest post from a fellow travel blogger Sammi who traveled to Croatia this summer and shared with us her Croatia Sailing Week experience. We’ve never done this sailing cruise ourselves, and thus we are happy to learn more about it from Sammi. 

Hiking Dalmatia: View from the Dingac region

Hiking Dalmatia for the great views

Hiking Dalmatia will reward you with some of the best views you’ve ever seen. Dalmatian mountains are not extremely high, but they rise steeply from the sea, creating a dramatic scenery. The highest Dalmatian (and Croatian) mountain is Dinara, although its highest peak isn’t in Croatia but in Bosnia.

What to do in Croatia in spring: Visit Zagreb

What to do in Croatia in spring

We’re celebrating the start of spring with this week’s Sunday Traveler. This is my favorite season. Spring usually arrives suddenly. I don’t know if you feel this way. One sunny day, after many grey winter days in Croatia, we wake up just to realize that the days are longer, that the trees are blooming, and the birds are back.

Dinosaur Park Funtana

Dinosaur park Funtana is located in a village Funtana, half-way between Porec and Vrsar. The park is open since 2009. Any time my niece and nephew come to visit us in Porec, we need to go to the Dinosaur Park Funtana. If we listen to them, we would go there everyday. They really enjoy it that much!